Step 1: Fire up PuTTy and check the version of your php:
php -
VestaCP has REMI installed – if not install or update REMI:
yum --enablerepo=remi update remi-release
Step 2: Now stop Apache and remove php:
service httpd stop
yum -y remove php
Step 3: Install php 7.0:
yum --enablerepo=remi-php70
php70-php php70-php-pear php70-php-bcmath php70-php-pecl-jsond-devel php70-php-mysqlnd php70-php-gd php70-php-common php70-php-fpm php70-php-intl php70-php-cli php70-php php70-php-xml php70-php-opcache php70-php-pecl-apcu php70-php-pecl-jsond php70-php-pdo php70-php-gmp php70-php-process
php70-php-pecl-imagick php70-php-devel php70-php-mbstring
Step 4: Stop old php:
service php-fpm stop
Step 5: Start php 7.0:
service php70-php-fpm start
Step 6: Remove the old symblink php:
Step 7: Create a new symblink:
Step 8: Restart Apache:
service httpd restart
Step 9: Check the php version:
php -