Can’t believe how easy the installation was this time round. VestaCP installation is much improved from before (last installation was a year ago). I installed WP from the command line, HOWEVER, here is the magic. WP Duplicator Plugin worked this time round. It’s the first time in my experience that it has worked with VestaCP. I was able to migrate my previous VPS 27 WP site in no time. With ZERO issues.
Duplicator Plugin is tricky and very demanding asking for specific php modules. Looks as though VestaCP modules have been upgraded from previous VestaCP installations. Duplicator was completely OK with the installation of the Website.
Same little things to remember from before. I.e. the chown Admin command. But the rest was just simply effortless. Including setting myself up with FileZilla. Can’t believe how easy it was! Completely effortless and flawless.