Just completed my final Website addition for today – VPSLessons.net. All of the installation was a breeze. Everything worked perfect as it should.
The Website is based on a very old WP site that I built when I first learned to manage a VPS. I have updated it completely for VPS 9.
Lesson I learned was that the security plugin – WordFence – can be finicky at times. It failed to install. Later found that it must have corrupted as after I removed the folder and reinstalled WordFence from scratch all was well again.
Next assignment of the day will be to check through all of my other sites and see whether I’d like to add more to the ones I have on VPS 9. May do that later on.
During the course of the installation I tried to use WPClone, another migration tool of WordPress, but it didn’t work at all. So opted to use another backup Website instead after I had spruced it up, dusted it off and made a backup with my now trusted friend WP Duplicator plugin. I’ll tinker a little bit more on my new Websites, and then make backups of all of them. One thing that is particularly fantastic is that Duplicator makes a backup of absolutely everything including the script, themes and plugins.