WPGems Created – tick!

Still feels miraculous how easy and FAST it has been to create a new database in VestaCP, a new WordPress installation from the command line and then to transport an old archived WordPress site effortlessly via SFTP in FileZilla.  Mission accomplished!

Here are the steps I followed.

Step 1:   Open VestaCP and create a database – use a very secure password.  For this I didn’t use the one generated by VestaCP.  I went to a passwordgenerator site and created a 16 digit secure password.

Step 2:  Create a WordPress installation on the command line:

cd /home/admin/web/domain.net/public_html
wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
tar --strip-components=1 -xvf latest.tar.gz

rm latest.tar.gz

chown admin -R *

The last step above is very important. You won’t be able to install themes and plugins in the WordPress Dashboard without giving permission to Admin first. The last step allows this to happen automatically.

Step 3:  Type domain name in browser address line – WordPress Installation comes up. Complete the installation and log into the new WP site.

Step 4:  Install Duplicator Plugin – once installed close out of the new WP site.

Step 5:  Fire up FileZilla – copy Installer.php and Backup.php zipped folders to the root of the add on domain

Step 6:  Delete or rename configuration admin file of WordPress site in FileZilla

Step 7:  Type domain name/installer.php in browser address line – and say Eureka when the installer page comes up!

Step 8: The Installer Page provides the “Create New Database” as the default option. CHANGE the default option to “Connect and Remove All Data”. Then enter Database, Database User and Password details and allow Duplicator to install backup site.

Step 9: When login dialog screen appears use old backup user name and password.

Step 10:  Save Permalinks and Clean Up Installer Files and Cache

Mission accomplished!

I noticed that I’d barely touched the WPGems Website before – no content in it, so have my work cut out for me. However first I want to install the two other WordPress sites. DirectAdminLessons.tk being first on the list.